Secrets of Prince Vladimir of Kiev
We know little about the life of Prince Vladimir of Kiev. Not only the life but even birth and death of the Prince-reformer is shrouded in fog.
Folk stories call Vladimir the Red Sun. This name is repeated with such persistence that it does not at all seem merely a poetic accident. After Vladimir’s death and the murder of his sons Boris and Gleb, mysterious events took place.
Efrem Novotorzhskiy, equerry (in medieval times this position corresponded to the Prime Minister) of Prince Boris created a Christian community of the New Torah in Torzhok on the River Tverts; from there Christianity began to spread throughout the north-west and the Baltic. This is where the Boris and Gleb monastery was established to honor of the sons of Vladimir, who became the first Russian Orthodox saints.
Hitherto it is not known for certain who Malusha, the mother of Prince Vladimir really was: the slave in the palace of Princess Olga in Vyshgorod or the princess of the clan of drevlian prince Mala, who rebelled against Prince Igor, Olga’s husband? Let us remind you that the Drevlians killed Igor and were devastated by the troops of Kiev.
If Malusha was a simple concubine of Prince Svyatoslav, Olga’s son, then Vladimir, the pledge of their love is ordinary bastard who at the age of 18 seized the throne in Kiev. If Malusha was a Drevlian Princess, then the case is completely different. Her marriage to Prince Svyatoslav is no longer a banal love affair, but turns into an important state and political act — act of legitimization of the ruling Varangian dynasty.
From this point of view, the aim of the alliance between the Rurik family and Drevlian princely family of Kievan Rus was to stabilize political situation in medieval Eastern Europe. The people began to see Tsar Vladimir Svyatoslavich not as the descendant of the Varangian, but the heir of Prince Mal, ruling in the land of drevlians from time immemorial. After that, the prince of Kiev Rus Vladimir became the sacred descendant of Dazhdbog-the-Sun, so it is no accident that he was called the Red Sun. It is the title of the kings of the western principalities of Kievan Rus — the sun dynasty.
In ancient times, the prince in Russia was not the supreme priest, but the “father” of the whole people. There was always an elder next to him, and the young prince did not take any serious decisions without his advice. This tradition has been preserved since the time of the flood 12,600 years ago, when society acquired class-based social order. The highest class was the class of the Magi. The ancient kings had the title of “twice-born”.
The elderly prince could get a second life after being transformed into a sorcerer. In ancient religions, the rite of the initialization (rebirth) of the king was held on the 13th year of the reign. However, in later centuries, ancient kings began to hold this rite at the age of 50–55 years regardless of the term of reign. At this age, men reach such a level of intelligence that it becomes possible to transform the consciousness, leading to disclosure of subconscious.
At the moment of transformation, a person receives superhuman knowledge — from some inhuman source. From time immemorial people search for that special place for this riot of transformation where many centuries ago man first received this superhuman knowledge. People are looking for the center of the world, the place of meeting with God. Nobody knows where this center is located. There are secondary centers of the world, say the Holy Land — Israel, Tibetan places. Yet, the center of the world is not known. The most dedicated people, however, went north to the 35th meridian. Jerusalem is located on this meridian, as well as Solovetsky archipelago in the very north, in the White Sea. Again and again explorers discover mysterious labyrinths of unknown archaic civilization in that area. This is a place where many Orthodox male monasteries can be found.
The Tale of Bygone Years tells that the Prince died in the village of Berestovo near Kiev in the summer of 1015. However, the boyars hid his death from the people and the squad. Even his burial was decided to be held in secret. They did not take the deceased outside through the doors. Instead, at night, having broken a platform between two chambers, a body wrapped in a carpet was lowered to the ground with ropes, and then it was taken to Kiev, where the Prince was buried in the Church of the Tithes.
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